June Workshop Series 2020

Throughout the month of June, HCC will be offering a series of weekly workshops covering topics ideal for individuals new to Holland resources.

These workshops will be delivered remotely via Zoom. Because of the hands-on aspect of the workshops, the number of registrations will be limited. Please register for only the sessions you are interested in and available for.

Tuesday afternoons
1 pm to 5 pm


Attendees will need to maintain a video connection to the workshop during the entire session. Please ensure you are prepared for each week by completing the setup instructions at the link below.

Setup Instructions

Registration has filled. Please contact hcc-support@unl.edu if you would like to join the wait list.

June 2nd: Connecting to HCC Clusters and Introduction to Bash

Learn how to connect to Holland's high performance computing cluster, Crane and how to navigate in the Linux command line with the Bash shell. Topics include the use of pipes, filters, loops, and handling of text files. Lesson materials based on Software Carpentry lessons.

June 9th: Introduction to Bash (cont.) and Version Control with Git

Continue mastering the Bash shell by learning how to write reusable shell scripts to help automate tasks. We will also be looking at how using version control with Git can help streamline collaboration and manage revisions. Lesson materials based on Software Carpentry lessons.

June 16th: Submitting Jobs and Handling Data on Crane

Learn the basics of working with Holland resources. Topics include an overview of HCC offerings, submitting batch jobs, handling data and tips on how to optimize workflows.

June 23rd: Anvil: HCC's Cloud and the Open Science Grid

Learn about Anvil, HCC's OpenStack resource which allows researchers greater flexibility by offering cloud-based virtual machines which are ideal for applications that are not well suited to the Linux command line environment. Also, learn about the Open Science Grid (OSG), a nationwide collection of opportunistic resources that are well suited to large high-throughput applications. Learn what jobs are ideal for OSG and how to begin using this service.

June 30th: Using Anaconda to Manage Software

Anaconda Package Manager has been shown to be a powerful tool for managing custom package installs for a wide range of scripting languages such as Python and R. But Anaconda can also be used to quickly install custom software packages without manually compiling or administrative access. Learn how to begin using Anaconda to manage software for your analysis project.