Messages & Announcements

2017-05-19:  Crane: Maintenance complete
Category:  General Announcement

Maintenance is complete on Crane. Check changes made to the cluster in the following details section. Please let us know of any troubles using the cluster by sending email to

Changes made during this downtime:

All partitions on Crane now have a uniform maximum time limit of 7 days.

The opa partition has been removed. To limit job submissions to nodes that have Omni Path fabric, use the following Slurm directive while submitting jobs to the batch partition:

#SBATCH --constraint=opa

The opaguest partition has been renamed to guest. Priority access nodes having Infiniband and Omni Path fabrics have been added to this partition. Use

#SBATCH --constraint=ib
#SBATCH --constraint=opa

to limit which nodes your jobs will be considered on. Any job that runs within the guest partition can be preempted by jobs submitted by the owners of the respective hardware.