If you need additional Perl modules, they can be installed into your
home directory. We recommend using
Anaconda to
create an environment with a self-contained, independent Perl install.
This will eliminate any conflicts from the system Perl version and
allow modules to be installed via cpan
or cpanminus
The following commands will create an environment called myperl
, with
Perl and cpanminus installed.
module load anaconda
conda create -n myperl perl perl-app-cpanminus
To use the environment, it must be activated.
To use your created environment and installed modules in a SLURM job, the following lines must be included ahead of running any Perl program.
module load anaconda
source activate myperl
Once the environment is activated, modules can be installed via
or cpanm
with no special configuration needed.
cpanm My::Module