How can the Holland Computing Center help you?

Python Software Carpentry Workshop In-Person at UNMC October7-8 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST

Learn more about UNMC Event

HCC Public Offices by Appointment Only HCC offices are currently in-person by appointment only.

Please contact to schedule an appointment.
Virtual Open Office Hours Email hcc-support

The Holland Computing Center (HCC) boasts the fastest resources in the state of Nebraska at two locations: the Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) in Omaha and the Schorr Center in Lincoln. HCC Personnel based in each location assist users, engage students and researchers, and maintain systems. Research computing resources are provided to researchers at the University of Nebraska, including UNK, UNL, UNMC, and UNO. Swan is HCC's newest supercomputer and provides 256 GB of RAM per node for shared memory computing. Red, serving the CMS project, stores over 7 petabytes of data.

Once signed up, HCC users can access and use many HCC resources in a shared manner at no charge:

  • Swan is HCC’s high-performance clusters for general usage. A user can run jobs on the cluster without charge. As these are shared resources, there are some limitations on jobs. For example, by default, the max job run time is 7 days and the max job number per user is 1000. Details on these limitations can be found here. The general cluster documentation can be found here.
  • Anvil is HCC's cloud platform. Each research group can initially spawn 10 virtual machine instances with a combined total of 20 virtual cores, 60GB RAM, 10 storage volumes and 100GB volume storage capacity. The detail of per group limits can be found here.
  • For storage, users can access three main filesystems including Home with a 20GB quota per user, Common with a 30TB free quota per research group, and Work with a 50TB quota per group. Additional details on limits and usage expectation of these filesystems can be found here.
Again, as these are shared resources, certain limitations are applied. HCC also offers Priority Access on a cost-recovery basis to the HCC user community. Details on Priority Access can be found at here.

If you would like more information about the Holland Computing Center or you would like to request a tour of the facility, feel free to contact us.

Avi Knecht| Undergraduate
Steve Kolbe | Faculty
Natasha Pavlovikj | Grad
Berthe Choueiry | Faculty
Diego Jarquin | Post-Doc
Matthew Jockers | Faculty
Rob Stein | Faculty
Runhua Lei | Research Associate
Resource Status
Resource status can now been found at our new status page here: