Upcoming Events

Check back soon for more information on upcoming events!

September 3, 2024 FDST 867 Class Introduction (In-Person @ UN-Lincoln)
September 4, 2024 HCC Kickstart Series (In-Person @ UN-Lincoln)
This workshop will teach you the basics of using HCC clusters and resources.
September 12, 2024 HCC Kickstart Series (In-Person @ UN-Omaha)
This workshop will teach you the basics of using HCC clusters and resources.
September 24-25, 2024 Nextflow Software Carpentry Workstop (In-Person - Omaha)
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.
October 7th, 2024 phenoACCESS-24: Workshop on Research Computing and Plant Phenotyping
High-throughput plant phenotyping is computationally intensive, requiring data storage, data processing and analysis, research computing expertise, and mechanisms for data sharing. This workshop is aimed at research computing workforce development by addressing questions such as what is plant phenotyping; what types of data are collected; what are the preprocessing and analytical needs; what tools and platforms exist for data capture, management, analysis, and storage; and how best to collaborate and engage with phenotyping researchers.
October 7-8, 2024 Python Software Carpentry Workstop (In-Person - Omaha)
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.