June Workshop Logistics
Please follow the instructions below to ensure your computer is setup and ready for the workshop.
If you have any difficulties with any of the steps, please contact us at hcc-support@unl.edu or or visit our virtual Open Office Hours.
June 6: Connecting to HCC Clusters and Introduction to Bash
June 13: Introduction to Bash (cont.) and Intro to HCC
June 20: Submitting Jobs and Handling Data on Swan
June 27: Using Software on HCC
June 6: Setup Accounts and SSH Client
Swan Open OnDemand (OOD)
Connect using local terminal
Bash Cheatsheet
Lesson Materials
Command History
June 13: Setup Accounts and SSH Client
Swan Open OnDemand (OOD)
Connect using local terminal
Bash Cheatsheet
Bash Slides
HCC Intro Slides
Lesson Materials
Command History
End of Day Survey
June 20: Setup Accounts and SSH Client
Swan Open OnDemand (OOD)
Connect using local terminal
HCC Intro Slides
Lesson Materials
Command History
End of Day Survey
June 27: Setup Accounts and SSH Client