SRA (Sequence Read Archive) is an NCBI-defined format for NGS data. Every data submitted to NCBI needs to be in SRA format. The SRA Toolkit provides tools for downloading data, converting different formats of data into SRA format, and vice versa, extracting SRA data in other different formats.
The SRA Toolkit allows converting data from the SRA format to the following formats: ABI SOLiD native
, fasta
, fastq
, sff
, sam
, and Illumina native
. Also, the SRA Toolkit allows converting data from fasta
, fastq
, AB SOLiD-native
, Illumina SRF
, Illumina native
, sff
, and bam
format into the SRA format.
The SRA Toolkit supports downloading SRA data using the “prefetch” command:
$ prefetch <sra_id>
is the assigned SRA identification in NCBI (e.g., SRR1482462).
The SRA Toolkit contains multiple “format”-dump commands, where format is the file format the SRA data is converted to abi-dump, fastq-dump, illumina-dump, sam-dump, sff-dump, and vdb-dump.
One of the most commonly used commands is fastq-dump:
$ fastq-dump [options] input_reads.sra
An example of running fastq-dump on Swan to convert SRA file containing paired-end reads is:
#SBATCH --job-name=SRAtoolkit
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --time=168:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=10gb
#SBATCH --output=SRAtoolkit.%J.out
#SBATCH --error=SRAtoolkit.%J.err
module load SRAtoolkit/2.11
fastq-dump --split-files input_reads.sra
and input_reads_2.fastq
To download bam
files from NCBI using the SRA identification, the following commands can be used:
$ module load SRAtoolkit/2.11 samtools
$ sam-dump <sra_id> | samtools view -bS - > <sra_id>.bam
is the assigned SRA identification in NCBI (e.g., SRR1482462).
All SRAtoolkit commands are single threaded, and therefore both #SBATCH --nodes
and #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node
in the SLURM script are set to 1.
The SRA Toolkit contains multiple “format”-load commands, where format is the file format of the data that is uploaded to NCBI: srf-load
, sff-load
, refseq-load
, pacbio-load
, illumina-load
, helicos-load
, fastq-load
, cg-load
, bam-load
, and abi-load
An example of bam file input_alignments.bam
uploaded to NCBI is shown below:
$ bam-load \-o input_reads.sra input_alignments.bam
Other frequently used SRAtoolkit tools are:
If needed, the location of the caching on a per-user basis can be changed with vdb-config -i