Compiling an OpenMP
application is done with the -fopenmp
option to GCC and the -openmp
option for Intel. For example, the command could be:
$ gcc -o openmp-app.exe -fopenmp openmp-app.c
GCC will perform all of the OpenMP pragmas.
OpenMP applications have OpenMP pragmas like #pragma omp <options>
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: sum)
for (i = 0; i<NUM_STEPS; i++) {
x = 2.0 * (double)i / (double)(NUM_STEPS); /* value of x */
sum += x * x;
An example application code is integrate_mp.c.
Compiling integrate_mp.c
is done with the gcc
$ gcc -o integrate_mp.exe -fopenmp integrate_mp.c
See Submitting an OpenMP Job for
instructions on how to submit integrate_mp.exe
to the cluster.