The Nebraska Research Data Storage (NRDStor)

Overview of NRDStor

The Nebraska Research and Data Storage (NRDStor) is a storage platform with wide accessibility for the research data needs of Nebraska’s researchers. NRDStor is accessible from a mounted network drive on your on-campus lab computer, your laptop connected on campus or through the University of Nebraska VPN, the Swan supercomputer, an Anvil VM, or through a web browser.

Sensitive and Protected Data

HCC (Including NRDStor) currently has no storage that is suitable for HIPAA, PHI, PID, classified or other data sets for which access is legally restricted. Users are not permitted to store such data on HCC machines.

Data download and upload speeds vary on a variety of factors, including file size, system load, your computer’s internet speed, and more. The examples below are assuming a modern laptop uploading/downloading a large 25GB video file.

  • Home internet 1 gbps plan: 30 seconds
  • Home internet 500 mbps plan: 1 minute
  • Home internet 100 mbps plan: 4.5 minutes
  • Home internet 25 mbps plan: 17.5 minutes
  • University Wi-Fi (30-300 mbps): 1.5 - 14.5 minutes
  • University Wired Network (1 gbps): 30 seconds

Installing NU-VPN

If you are not on a University of Nebraska campus, you will need to connect to the NU-VPN using this guide from NU ITS. If you are on Campus, no additional software is needed.

Accessing NRDStor

NRDStor has two current methods of access - directly on Swan similar to the existing filesystems, and through the CIFS/SMB protocol on a laptop, desktop, or workstation connected to an NU network.