Using BLAST on HCC Clusters

This tutorial will give an overview on how to run BLAST queries on the cluster. Created by: Natasha Pavlovikj

Example 1: Nucleotide search using a single core - This example utilizes query sequences found in the yeast.nt.fasta file and searches it against the nucleotide database found in the Biodata module. - To submit this example, use the sbatch command to run blast_nt_single.submit

Example 2: Nucleotide search using multiple cores
- This example utilizes the same query as Example 1, but requests multiple cores so the user can compare running time. - To submit this example, use the sbatch command to run blast_nt_multi.submit

Example 3: Protein search using a custom database file - This example uses BLAST database indexing command makeblastdb to create a BLAST usable database from the fasta file yeast.aa - Then a protein alignment using query file yeast.aa.fasta is performed against the built database - To submit this example, use the sbatch command to run blast_aa_multi.submit

Additional examples can be found within the nucleotide or protein folders.